Volunteering or Working for Us

Volunteering in School

We pride ourselves on having strong, productive relationships with our parents/carers and welcome them, and other members of the local community, into school as volunteers.  Our regular volunteers provide support in a variety of areas of school life, such as changing the library/reading books, cookery, walks in the local area, handwriting and gardening.

If you would like to help out in school on a regular basis, you will be asked to attend an initial meeting with the Headteacher in the first couple of weeks of the Autumn Term, were, you will find out ways in which you can help as well as important information about confidentiality and safeguarding.  Your details and availability will then be passed onto the class teachers who will contact you if they would like some help on the days and times that you are available.  We prefer it if younger siblings do not come with you when you help, as they can become a distraction for children trying to learn.

If you would like to help and have missed the Autumn term meeting, please approach your class teacher directly or see the office staff for a form.

In order the verify the suitability of regular volunteers, they are required to complete a Childcare Disqualification Regulations Declaration Form, to nominate two character referees and to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, as part of our safeguarding procedures.  They must adhere to stringent safeguarding and confidentiality requirements, which includes ensuring that  mobile phones are not be used on the premises.  See attachments right.

Working at High Beeches

This really is a great place to work!  We prioritise  staff wellbeing and have a stable and friendly staff team and a collaborative and supportive working ethos, where professional development is supported and rewarded.  We expect you to share our commitment to safeguarding and to promoting the welfare of our children and provide the following for our staff:

  • a pleasant working environment with high quality resources and well-planned provision, working within a supportive and collaborative team
  • timetabled PPA in year teams using dedicated work space for teaching staff
  • i-pads and laptops for staff for teaching staff and others where applicable
  • high levels of mentoring and support for newly qualified teachers and those in the early stages of their career
  • a commitment to professional development and the opportunity for career progression/a leadership role for a suitable candidate
  • access to health and wellbeing support
  • opportunities to develop pedagogy and leadership skills by working closely with colleagues and school leaders on the continuing development of the school and by partnership working with other local schools

For information about current vacancies at the school and how to make an application,  please see our area of the Teach in Herts website.